The Foreshadowing The Foreshadowing - Days Of Nothing

Words have no meaning,
When a fake broad smile
Tells my living in a rainy night and I
feel the thorn of life.
I walked a river,
'Twas my tears at night
My running fast was not my last sacrifice,
as the hours went by I found...

Days of nothing
and loneliness will be my bride,
Like motionless pieces of dolls,
Days of nothing
and loneliness will be my bride.,
Life's a murderer
and you keep being a stranger round the crowds/

There's something strange when our life's deranged.
Someone would lay the blame on someone else.

Hall is crowded
When the door is locked,
I don't live here and don't forgive who you are
cause you hurt me more than once.

There's something strange when our life's deranged.
Someone would lay the blame on somebody else.
Whoever lives with a fault inside of him
Is nothing and nothing is changing here.

Don't go straight
Take me by the hand
I stumble like a fool
and the stupid standing still.
I stumble like a fool
My stomach still aching and although
I'm walking, walking straight.